ABC Members Are In Step With Safety

Establishing a safe working environment requires every employer — large and small — and every worker to make safety and health a top priority. The entire work force — from the CEO to the most recent hire — must recognize that worker safety and health is central to the mission and key to the profitability of the American company. Companies like The Summit Company, Superior Heating and Cooling, and Campbell & Shaw Steel, Inc. are not only committed to safety ,  it is a part of their DNA.

“This is a great organized approach for analyzing and developing safety and loss prevention programs,” said John Manor, ABC SEMI Membership Director. “STEP provides a 25-point key component guide to starting, updating, and auditing a company-wide safety program. This incorporates both OSHA required safety data with self-assessment requirements to give a full report on the entire nature of a company’s safety program. Every ABC contractor should take advantage of this life-saving program.”

Founded in 1989 as a safety benchmarking and improvement tool, STEP has evolved into a world-class safety management system that dramatically improves safety performance among participants regardless of company size or type of work. Participating ABC member firms measure their safety processes and policies on 25 key components through a detailed questionnaire with the goal of implementing or enhancing safety programs that reduce jobsite incidents.

“STEP is designed to benefit both large and small contractors,” said Manor. “We recognize our members at both National and Chapter Awards programs, but it is the change in the company’s culture that provides the true reward. I signify to clients and more importantly your employees that you take safety serious — it is truly your top priority.”

Getting started with STEP is free, and it can help you obtain discounted workers’ comp rates through the ABC Fund workers’ compensation insurance.

“STEP is beneficial in the bidding process and the negotiation of insurance rates,” said Manor. “I often tell members it makes sense to take care of your team and cents to invest in the viability of your company — it is really a win/win.”

Every ABC member wants to send its workers home safely every night. Take the first step towards achieving world-class safety by participating in STEP, whether you are beginning your safety journey or continuing to strengthen your performance. Log on to to sign up today!
